Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Back

I am ready to start blogging again. I say this about every 6 months, post once, and then go back into hibernation. But I figure I spend so much time looking at other peoples' blogs, I might as well contribute my two cents to the cyber world.

I have really gotten into crafting lately. Like crazy into crafting. I spend too much time looking at crafting blogs, I spend too much money at the craft store. Ever since I got married last April, cooking, crafting, and decorating all seem so much more fun. It's like the wife-switch got flipped on and suddenly it's fun. For my birthday last year, I got a sewing machine, which probably started this whole phase. My first project was to make a stuffed turtle, which was a huge success. Gary named him Speedicus (Swan Princess anyone?). He was the star on our Christmas tree this year...literally...we placed him on the very top branch. I need to take pictures of my creations, but here's a link to the pattern just so you get the idea.

Inspired by my turtle, I've now taken on a new animal...the elephant. I'm working on this pattern now.

So cute, right? My elephant will be light green with flowers. I went with the spring motif just in case I'm slow and don't get it done before then.

Those are the big projects, but I've had my eye on some smaller ones, like these:


  1. CUTE! I want a sewing machine for my birthday this year!!! Then we can sew together!

  2. Natalie I LOVE that H! Please tell me where you found the idea...I want to make my own!

  3. Jenn,

    Here's a link to one site:

    Here's the one I posted:

    They're super easy to make, just time-consuming. The outcome is so cute though.
